I had fun with the students from Career day. I’m looking forward to seeing you guys next year. To download your image click here. Career Day Gallery 2019 to download your images.

2017 Liberty HS Career Fair
I went to the Liberty High School Career fair and took a couple of snaps. It was a good experience and I really enjoy taking the time to talk to the kids about OPTIONS. Some of the kids said that they wanted to become photographers and they were interested in what it was like to be one. I could only say that I loved it.
There are some really good kids at liberty and I totally enjoyed helping them out.
Hello world again!
Once upon a time long long ago i used to blog daily. Big long post reflecting on life and relationships and everything in between. The time has come for me to get back to that with my business. This time I’ll refrain from all of the uber personal stuff.
Looking forward to posting.

Back to Blogging
So I’m here at WPPI and I’m going through the classes and everything. So I’m sitting in a session with Christine Tremoulet and she is sharing something very powerful about stories. She states that the necessity of sharing stories is crucial. On the top of one of those aha/ I’m doing it all wrong moments comes an epiphany (actually several) in that there is a serious need to share stories. So that is something that I intend to start doing in some of these blog posts.
I have blogged seriously before and I had built up quite a following and I stopped because some serious life changes happened. However it was kind of a therapy for me. I think that doing it again as a business therapy is a good idea. We all lose who we are a little if we allow ourselves and put on a persona. In doing so our clients lose who they are dealing with and become out of touch with us and our brand.
Now I am known to pen some pretty lengthy tomes which can be overwhelming and I think in the beginning I will just put it all on there and sort it out later. For now though I will use my blog to communicate what I would like to do and to add some business therapy for myself. I honestly don’t know how much about photography I’m going to talk about, because my life is a journey and I’m not the same person I was 5 years ago. I’ve learned so much and I think that if you read my blog that you will learn quite a bit as well.
Looking forward to seeing you in the next post. Some posts will have pictures and some won’t. It will depend on how I’m feeling.

Christine Tremoulet who penned WordPress which this part of my blog is based on speaks about the importance of telling the story behind the shot. As the Sexiness Avenger she explains that we are wired to put a story to it. Our brains crave stories and in the absence of a storyline we will make one up. This means that it is important to fill in the blanks as much as possible and with images pretty much all the time.

Cathleen Knight Mascara Girl
- This was the first shoot at my new studio. Getting the tires wet. I really like this spot. Cathleen was a trooper and really added a lot of life to the shoot.
- Glamour shot of Make artist Cathleen Knight of Brentwood. Shot in Antioch at 510 West Third Street studio.
- Awesome quote from Cathleen’s site. I think that she wears it just fine.
- Not only does she sell mascara but the homes that goes with them.
- #Brentwood, #headshot, #awesome
Cathleen is an amazing person and you can visit her at www.fabuLASHknight.com

Liberty High School Band Graduates of 2016
- Flute
- Color Guard
- Flute
- Clarinet
- Drum Major
- Graduate
- Graduation is so emotional
- Drummer
- Trumpet
- Trumpet
- Color Guard
- Sax
These kids are awesome. They come and learn and then they move on to greener pastures. It is amazing how fast the time goes. I like working with them chronicling their experience to go on like little ducklings into the great new yonder. I wish them all the best in their future endeavors.

- A moment of Prayer at the end of the ceremony of new Chiefs at the Spring CCTI. The O’ Club in Alameda was a perfect venue for this event.
- Through the Initiation process the chief is tasked with creating a hat box that is unique to him and brings honor to his rating.
- Chief thanks the Junior Officer that was involved with his transformation from E7 to Chief.
- The Chiefs Cover is a signature sign of the Chief. As this E7 makes the transformation into becoming a Chief his hat is placed upon his head by the Chief of the mess.
- Junior Officer thanks her Chief for inviting her along the process to become a Chief. The relationship between Officers and Enlisted is fostered through initiations like this and close working relationships through the Junior Officers career.
- A wife is thanked by the Chief of the Mess for supporting her Chief.
- A portrait at the event where a Chief and his wife take time for a memorable moment. Simply Lovely.
See whole gallery here. http://www.milestonesfoto.com/event/USCG-Spring-CCTI-Alameda

Spring Jazz Concert
- Blow your horn the soul of jazz.
This was an awesome concert out with the Liberty Jazz Band. This group of kids is really talented and I love working with them. There were some honored and I’m sad to see some the seniors go. It seems over time you don’t really realize that they have to move on to greener pastures. So it is kind of strange but awesome as well. The possibilities of their lives is inspiring as they go on to do bigger and better things. It connects you to the process of creating dreams and realizing the possible. I wish all of you the best of luck.
Website is back up and running
You know what they say. If you’re going to mess with your setup create a back-up. Ah be we are too futile to do such things. We must go boldly into the night so here we are hours later and things look fine but everything is still not in its place. Sometimes you must learn the hard way in order to truly figure stuff out. You learn a lot but invariably do not write down notes on the experience so ultimately much of what you learned is lost and you keep the instituting a groundhog day situation.
So here we go back at it round 2.