- A moment of Prayer at the end of the ceremony of new Chiefs at the Spring CCTI. The O’ Club in Alameda was a perfect venue for this event.
- Through the Initiation process the chief is tasked with creating a hat box that is unique to him and brings honor to his rating.
- Chief thanks the Junior Officer that was involved with his transformation from E7 to Chief.
- The Chiefs Cover is a signature sign of the Chief. As this E7 makes the transformation into becoming a Chief his hat is placed upon his head by the Chief of the mess.
- Junior Officer thanks her Chief for inviting her along the process to become a Chief. The relationship between Officers and Enlisted is fostered through initiations like this and close working relationships through the Junior Officers career.
- A wife is thanked by the Chief of the Mess for supporting her Chief.
- A portrait at the event where a Chief and his wife take time for a memorable moment. Simply Lovely.
See whole gallery here. http://www.milestonesfoto.com/event/USCG-Spring-CCTI-Alameda