Category Archives: Event

Sick 69′ Chevelle
So I was rolling down Brentwood Boulevard the other day when I saw this beautiful 69 Chevelle drop into O’Reilly’s. I told myself that I had to shoot it. So I pulled in and talked to Mike an IT professional who told me about his Chevelle that was rebuilt from scratch. I have to tell you that it was awesome. I challenged myself as I didn’t have the best lens to really bring this car to life but I really thought that it was an awesome ride. So I asked him if I could shoot it and he agreed. So here she is in all of her beautiful glory.

Liberty Lions Band Camp

The Breast Cancer Fundraiser

Liberty High School Band Christmas Concert.

Heritage High School Choir Winter Concert
This year’s Winter Choir was awesome at Heritage High School in Brentwood. The Winter Concert came off without a hitch as all of Mrs Hurst’s members sang their pieces in their ensembles. They quickly got everyone in a festive mood for the season.
The level of talent really shown through as more and more difficult pieces were sang throughout the evening. Mrs Hurst’s choirs sang in multiple languages demonstrating their proficiency through her demanding exactitude. The outstanding work extended into the students own command of individual groups inside of the choir. Their sub groups in individual ensembles showed great talent in executing their individual hand selected pieces. I myself was blown away by this particular ensemble for their spunk and peppy renditions of classic tunes.
Spratt is an ensemble with more classic tunes were also impressive. I remember them from last year and from this years Heritage Idol. I will probably post pictures from that event as I begin to rebuild my website. They performed well there as well.
All in all it was an excellent evening out at Heritage. I haven’t yet had a chance to review the video however I will. I am looking forward to the spring concert as well.
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Coast Guard Island’s Christmas Party
Coast Guard Island’s Christmas party was awesome.
This was such a great event on Alameda Island with the good folks at Coast Guard Island. Everything was so beautiful. The crew took such time with the decorations and the lighting was really on point. I can’t wait until next year. I think that everyone said that these events keep getting better each year. I would like to thank Ms. Martin for all that she does. And Mr. and Mrs Johnson for bringing me on as the photographer.